August 7, 2024

It’s 2024, Do You Know Where Your Voters Are? Four Tips to Maximize Your Political Ad Budget

 by Brandzooka
Brandzooka Team

#1 They Are Digital First

While contemporary voters spend much of their time on CTV and audio, most campaigns are underinvesting in these channels. $1.8 billion in advertising expected to go to CTV in the 2024 election, an 80% increase over 2022.

Source: The Trade Desk, AdImpact 2022 Cycle-in-Review.

#2 Geotargeting Is Critical

Millions of campaign dollars were wasted in the 2022 midterm elections when voters were targeted with ads for issues and candidates they couldn’t vote for. Leveraging advances in geotargeting can help save wasted spend and ensure relevant messages reach voters.

Source: The Trade Desk Intelligence and Morning Consult Political Research 2022

#3 There’s More to Programmatic Than Just CTV

Create meaningful connections with voters on premium inventory across all channels including Online Video, Display, Audio and even Digital Out-of-Home. Target the most popular and engaging inventory including The Trade Desk’s “Best of the Open Internet”.

#4 You Probably Already Have the Tools to Find Them

Brandzooka can help you leverage your First-Party Data (voter files, emails, membership records, campaign data, etc). Combine that with Third-Party Data segments, Audience lookalike modeling, contextual targeting and pre-made political groups in our PMP library for granular targeting and maximum impact.

Ready to get started reaching your voters? Schedule a call with our dedicated account team now!

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